Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Dirty Little Secret...

Ok, so you know how some people have a little secret like the don't make their famous "Grandma's Apple Pie" from scratch, its actually from a box and a can.... Well, my secret is not nearly as dreadful as that. But it is a juicy one. Ready...

I rarely have my own creative ideas. Really, its true. Sad, but true. I can take someone else's idea and tweak it, but to come up with something completely my own is not something that happens often! I am actually super jealous of people who are able to create the things their brains come up with. I acknowledge that I have been blessed with many creative talents, but actually coming up with something unique is not one of them.

Well, there it is, now you know. On a side note, I'm going Black Friday shopping this weekend and I'm SO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring on the deals!


{Sarah} said...

As soon as I read the title of your post I totally started singing the Lisa Presley song "Dirty little Secrets"... lol!

Even if you just "tweak" ideas, you are still amazing!

Just Rhonda said...

I don't think there are very many people in the world who have their own ideas. Everything is just rehashed and passed around. By now surely most things have been tried. But your own creative spin on it - now THAT's never been done before :)