A few big things have happened around here lately. In order to avoid another ginormously long post like the last one, I'll keep the details as brief as possible!
On January 11, baby #2, now known as Myles Bryan, entered the world. I had to be induced, again, so I was pretty nervous after everything with TJ. (TJ was 2 weeks late, so I was induced and 40 hours later I had pushed for an hour and a half, they had to do a vaccum assisted delivery and I tore like crazy. Not fun...at all.) Things started slowly, just like TJ. Around 4:30 pm, they put me on the drip and I got an epidural. (Side note: I' m all about the epidural. My opinion is, you don't get anything extra for the extra pain, so why not make yourself slightly more comfortable!) Just after 6, I was 5 cm. Myles was born at 6:44 after only 5 pushes. The best news is that I didn't tear at all!! (Ok, the best news is that Myles was happy and healthy, but I'm still pretty happy about the whole not tearing!) Our boy was 8 pounds 9 ounces and 22 inches long with lots of hair.
On the 15th, James and I celebrated our 5th anniversary. We went for dinner and a movie and had a great time together. Its hard to believe its been 5 years. I can't say I've loved every minute of it, but every minute has been worth getting to where we are today!
And some other major news. My Mom decided to leave the other guy and come home. I'm happy/nervous, but I really think she wants to work to make things right. Its going to take a lot of time and work, but we're all ready to do what we need to!
While this last thing is not nearly as exiciting as everything else, its still worth mentioning. This is my 100th post! Woo Hoo me!
So far, 2010 is off to a pretty great start!!
He is soooooo adorable! I just love little boys!
And your mom is home!!!!! That is wonderful news. I'll keep your family in my prayers that things will work out.
And congrats on 100 posts. It feels like an accomplishment knowing that you have documented that much of your life.
Congrats!! Yay for no tearing!!!! (I only say that because I too had a vac assisted birth with my first and tore like crazy, but didn't tear with my second).
I hope everything works out with your mom being home.
And congrats on 100 posts!!!!
congrats you guys! just perfect. have fun with 2! hope 2010 is great for you!
Congrats all around! New baby, anniversary, good things with your Mom, and 100 posts!
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