Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday Steals

Camille, over at Archives of our Lives, started this thing called "Saturday Steals" (I tried to copy her very nice image, but my computer is being stupid and won't let me!) over on her blog a while back and I've wanted to write about several amazing steals I've gotten, but have forgotten every weekend until Monday when I read all about the amazing deals others have gotten! Even today, I want desperately to write about my amazing steals, but sadly, my computer won't let me add pictures at all to my post! So I'm left with quite a dilemna! Do I post and let you use your imagintions? Or do I wait until I take this computer back the stupid tech guy who told me there was nothing wrong with it? The other problem is that most of my steals are related to something I haven't blogged about yet, and I don't want to let the secret out just yet. So, I guess I'll wait another week, but in the meantime, you should go check out the steals other people have gotten and maybe even link up your own!


Camille said...

I understand your problems! I have been having tech issues all week too. It must be something in the wires. : )

Thanks for showing your support despite it all. I hope you can make it a regular (or at least semi-regular [you're so busy]) occurrence!

p.s. How's organ going? Do you hate me yet? I'm so sorry!