Monday, July 14, 2008

Wishful Thinking...

Last night, actually around 3 o'clock this morning, I had the perfect post floating around in my head. It was funny, touching, entertaining, all things a good blog should be. Sadly, I was trying to fall asleep, so I didn't get out of bed and now I don't remember a word of it! Sorry, you're stuck with this post!

Yesterday, as I walk into church, our elderly neighbour calls me over and says to me (and I quote) "Tisha, do you beat that little boy of yours? Because I can hear him screaming all the way at my house." Now, keep in mind, she's old, so her hearing can't be that great, and we are on the edge of three quarter lot, so the sound has a way to go. And she can still hear him.

My little monster has hit the terrible twos early - very early. If it gets worse at two, I'm moving out. Seriously, at least once every half hour, he has an all out tantrum . I'm not talking a little crying and the occasional yell either. I'm taking all out kicking, thrashing, bloodcurdling screaming, biting, pinching, slapping, lay-on-his-back-and-flail-about, bright-red-in-the-face tantrums. I am at a complete loss of what to do. He's too young to understand the naughty corner (isn't he?). Holding him still just makes him scream more and ignoring him causes untold damage to my house, not to mention my nerves. Please, any suggestions would be immensely appreciated.

Don't get me wrong, when he isn't screaming, he is one of the best kids around. For example, the other day we had Subway for dinner and we had got a cookie for each of us. Terry's cookie was still in the bag and TJ found the bag. He pulled the cookie out of the bag (a chocolate cookie with white chocolate chips) and held up his new prize. I said "TJ that's Uncle Terry's cookie. Its not for you." (We didn't get TJ a cookie because they're so huge!) "TJ, can you take the cookie to Uncle Terry?" TJ went into the kitchen and looked at the table where Terry had been sitting. Terry wasn't sitting there anymore, so, without any coaching, TJ turns and walks right down the hall and into Terry's room and hands him the cookie. I mean really, what kid passes up a chocolate cookie so willingly! I was so amazed I gave him my cookie.

The trouble is in remembering those moments as he is screaming non-stop. Argh! Really, I am just lost. I am seriously terrified about when he actually turns two. I keep hoping that maybe he is going to get this stage over with now and it won't get any worse when he is two. Wishful thinking, I know!


DeAnna said...

We started using the 'naughty' spot for our kids at just over a year. It actually seems to help. I definately use the age for how long they must sit in their naughty spot and use a timer so they can actually hear when they are done and have to talk to Mommy & Daddy about why they are sitting in the naughty spot. I have an all out screamer, who loves to throw trantrums. It does get better!! Good luck to you!! And remember to NOT give in, is the secret for effective Naughty spot and time out use.

KellyLady said...

I've heard that playpens are good for a naughty spot or tantrum spot for this age...they can't get out and can't ruin anything in there. I've heard that letting them scream it out works and I've heard the timer works. Rhett loses his toys to time out...but he's a little older. Hope this helps...and remember that it will get better!

DeaVa said...

I remember a few tantrums you guys threw when you were little.... perhaps not as bad as what T.J. is pitching. I wish we knew about the whole "time out" and "naughty spot" back then. I think the earlier you start that the better. Kids are smarter than we give them credit for. He knows if he pitches enough of a fit everyone will give in (to whatever) and he'll get what he wants. If he understands that he'll understand getting a time out. A play pen sounds like a good place to do it. I know Misjiff is a dog, but when she's bad she gets sent to her "house" for a time out and even she understands what that means.

Amelia said...

Haha was that my grandma!?! haha U know I firmly believe that the terrible Twos start around 18 ms and never really go away just change a little. so good luck and know that I'm right behind you!

LindsayB said...

at 16 months alli turned into some sort of devil child too. but tj's "moments" sound pretty intense. i have no idea what to tell you, but good luck!