Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Here We Go Again...

Cue the visions on the 80s hair metal band Whitesnake. I've been singing this song all freaking day. James left last night to head back up north to work. Hes not doing the same job and his new job pays much more than the last one, so hopefully we'll get ahead a little quicker. We'll see. In the meantime, poor TJ doesn't understand why Daddy wasn't home at all today. Poor kiddo. Oh well, I just have to keep him busy and give him extra loves.


Camille said...

Oy, we're both husbandless now. I don't like it one bit. How long will he be gone?

DeAnna said...

That is a great song!! Good luck being husbandless!! It sounds like it is going to worth it, at least monetarily!!

Tisha said...

He'll be gone for 3 weeks and home for one and it will be at least through May, maybe longer. Where is PK Camille?

DeaVa said...

You're too young to remember that song!! I however, remember it vividly - ok, so I'm old. Poor TJ, the little monkey, it's hardest on them when they don't understand why daddy has to be away. Thank goodness for the internet, cell phones, and text messaging. Hang in there Sqishy.