We also decided a while ago that it was time to start potty training. TJ actually just started going on his own, but then became really disinterested. Combined with trying to get him to get rid of the soothers, we knew were asking a lot, so we bribed him. I'll be the first to admit that I'm all about bribery! Anywho, we decided that we'd give him a big boy party when he was going potty on the toilet and had no more soothers. He picked two of his friends and they got to make pizzas, watch a movie and have "football cakes'. TJ was determined we were having a football cake for his party, but I was not about to make a whole cake for 3 kids. Then I kind of forgot about it until the day before, so here is my last minute idea!
I've mentioned before that I'm really trying to get the business name out there, so we've decided that we're going to do quite a few trade show type things. We had our first one a few weeks ago. We changed up our display and added some new products too. Here are a couple of pictures.
For Easter, we had tons of fun around here. We decided for Easter dinner to have a steak BBQ. Check out these babies James picked out!
The town had an Easter egg hunt on the Saturday after Good Friday. It was COLD and super windy, but still really great. I love the fact that the town is starting to do more of these things. As you can see, TJ was FROZEN!
On Easter Monday, we held our second annual Gilbert Easter Egg Hunt. We invited a bunch of friends and got together to hunt eggs. James and I provided 3 eggs for each of the kids and then the families provided 5 eggs for each kid in their family. We barbequed hot dogs and had cookies for the kids to decorate. One of the three eggs that James and I provided were homemade chocolate covered marshmallow eggs. They were so easy and yummy!
you are super mom...cape....sparkly tights...the whole nine yards!
Miss ya!
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