So, what better way to start off this new blogging foray than with an overview of the little lovlies I get to be mommy to!

- Started preschool in September and loves it. In fact, he woke up puking one day this past week and when I told him that meant he couldn't go to preschool, he cried so hard! We ended up having to call his teacher and have her tell him that it was ok for him to stay home and get better.
- Is so caring. He is very concerned with how people are feeling and wants people to be happy.
-Is very polite.
- Can go from being the happiest, most helpful little man to a screaming monster in about .1 of a nanosecond. (On a side note, I am completely out of ideas as to how to deal with these tantrums!)
-Loves playing with pretty much anybody.
- Loves to have books read and has started to "read" to Myles and Kezia.
- Eats like a bird. But will eat most food. He loves seafood, especially shrimp!
- Wears a 5/6 because he's tall, but can fit his waist into 24 month (even some 18 month) clothes.
-Is ALWAYS writing "notes" He gets post its from the office and scribbles on them then will bring them to me and tells me what they say. Ususally, its something about inviting a friend for a playdate.

-Is the busiest little thing a going. TJ never did the whole go through the cupboards, pull everything off/out of everywhere thing. Myles has perfected it.
-Eats like crazy. Especially fruit. He'll pack away a 2 lb thing of straberries if you let him.
-Is very stubborn and not very patient.
-Wants to do everything TJ does.
-Gets VERY sad when TJ or Daddy leave for school, but usually has no issues when I leave.
-Is becoming very snuggly.
-Calls every movie "Rio"
-Isn't talking nearly as much as I think he should, but apparently he is ok.
-Is fitting between 18 and 24 month clothes.
-Still has a soother at bedtime.
-Has the most mischevious grin.
-We call him "SMyles". I'm sure you can guess why.
-Will go for one nap a day.
(this picture was taken at my cousin's baby blessing. Bradey was born a few days before Kezia)
*I realized as I was putting this post together that there is a sad lack of pictures of Kezia. That will be remedied this week!*
-Is still pretty tiny (don't have an exact weight, but am going to weigh in again this week.
-She just outgrew newborn clothes two weeks ago, but only in length. They still fit best around.
-Army crawls like crazy and has actually crawled for the past week, but it slows her down, so she usually goes back to army crawling.
-Pulls herself up on her knees.
-Has been drooly and chewing on everything for almost two months, but still no teeth.
-Loves solid foods (or as solid as baby food gets!)
-Smiles and giggles and talks like crazy!
-Loves her brothers and lights up when she sees them.
-Doesn't always love her carseat.
-Naps at least twice a day.
-Goes to bed around 8 and wakes up around 9, sometimes waking up once to eat around 5:30 ish.
Yay!!! So excited for your new posting regime! Your kids are super cute and yes we need more pictures of your super cute baby girl :)
Awesome! Your kids are getting so big! It's bizarre to me how different they can all be!
suuuper cute blog update!!
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