Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mommy Monday

So many things I want to say today, but I don't really know which one to pick or where to start.  One of the  biggest things that has been on my mind lately is how important it is for us as mothers and parents to teach our children. 

Too often, parent's rely on the other adults in their children's lives to teach.  They don't take the time to sit down with their children and make sure they know what to believe.  I'm not really talking about things like reading, writing, ect.  I think those are incredibly important things for children to learn and I don't necessarily think that schools are doing an amazing job of teaching them, but its also not horrible.  I'm talking more about the values and beliefs that are missing in today's society.  There are things that are happening all around us today that have become "normal."  Cursing is nothing, children have such a high sense of entitlement that there is almost no such thing as a work ethic, the family unit is being attacked viciously, faith and religion are being attacked, technology is being introduced to children at much earlier ages, parents are giving children tvs, computers and cell phones before they are able to understand the consequences of abusing that technology, and "old-fashioned" things such as chores, morality, and modesty are laughed at. 

Recently, I sat in a class where there was a debate about a government choice to teach about homosexuality and make sex ed mandatory.  I didn't say much in the class, not because I didn't have my opinions or because I didn't want to offend anyone, but more because I was digesting and processing the different opinions being offered.  Being LDS, I don't believe that homosexuality is right.  However, I also don't believe that being a homosexual makes you a bad person.  Some of my very closest friends have chosen to live that lifestyle and they are still amazing people.  I believe in tolerance.  Letting others live what and how they want and respecting them as a person, a human being, a child of God.  Unfortunately, too many people feel like in their search for "equality" it is necessary to take away my right to choose.  I don't want to go on too much of a rant about this, as this isn't really my point.  My point is that I am only one vote. The reality is that, short of voting, signing petitions and contacting my MLA, I cannot do a whole lot to change what happens in the world around me.  I can, however, instill in my children those values and beliefs that are so important to me.  It may not make me the most popular parent.  I'm sure in years to come I will hear several complaints from my childen regarding my rules about no TVs in bedrooms, no cell phones for children, chores, ect.  But I hope to develop such a great relationship with my children that when the time comes that they are taught something in school that doesn't agree with what I am teaching them, they will have the manners to listen politely and then come home and discuss with me any questions they may have.  It means I may have to take more of "my" time to develop a loving, trusting and open relationship with my children.  It means that, even though they're young, I need to start now.  It means that for the next several years, my time is not really mine.  But that's what being a parent is supposed to be about.  That's something, I'm afraid, too many parents have forgotten.

The good news is, even though it's going to be hard, it's worth it!

PS Can anybody tell me how to fix my header?  I tried making one and its off centered and looks dumb :(


KellyLady said...

great post! And I'm no help when it comes to your headers...sorry :(