Saturday, May 14, 2011

Catch Up #3: Easter

Easter was fun, but VERY busy!

On the 16th, we did Easter dinner with my Mom (I forgot my camera, so I don't have any pictures!) On the Friday before Easter, we did Easter dinner with the rest of my family at Amanda's place. We had a little egg hunt for the kids and they loved it!

Saturday was the town's Easter Egg Hunt, which TJ loved. (Myles and Adi were both napping, so TJ gathered treats for everybody) It was a really nice day out, so there were lots of people there! TJ was kind of sad he didn't get a "special" plastic egg, but got over it the more he filled up his basket!

Sunday morning, the bunny brought our baskets while we were at church and they boys were VERY excited. We tried SO many times to get Myles to stand for a picture with TJ and their baskets, and there was no luck at all!

Later on Sunday, we went to Trevor and Cheri's for dinner with the Gilbert's. It was a beautiful day and the kids had fun playing outside!