Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

{1} This month has been awful.  Not just too stressed to function horrible, but life altering, never be the same horrible.  Wish I could say I'm handling it better, but that would be lying.

{2} I had another birthday this month.  It was fairly uneventful, but I did get lots of great new jewelry!

{3} Things are going really great with the business.  In fact, they're going way better than we anticipated.  We're feeling like we've got to catch up!

{4} I slept horribly last night and wanted to go to be3d far earlier than now.  However, my children have other ideas.  My kids are usually really good at going to bed.  As in 8 is a late night and those usually only happen once every month or so!  And once they're in bed, they're in bed for good!  Tonight, it is 11pm and they're still going strong.

{5} Mother's Day is one of the most difficult holiday's for me since Mom left.  I am SO greatful for the opportunity I have to be a mother.  I love that part of the day.  But the part where everyone talks about how great their Mom's are and how much they look up to them and adore them makes my heart hurt.  I used to have an amazing mother.  She was not perfect and we had our disagreements, but she was an awesome example of love and friendship and compassion.  She stood for what she believed in no matter what.  She loved us unconditionally and we knew it.  She taught me so much.  All that has changed.  She has changed.  She has become one of the most selfish people I have ever known.  She has said and done so many hurtful things that I don't know how to like her anymore.  I love her.  I will always love her.  But Mother's Day just makes me more painfully aware of how much I miss my Mom.  Not the Mom I have now, but my real Mom.

{6} I'm about a milisecond away from giving up on ever getting my house done.

{7} I got a gift card to get some new books for my Kobo for my birthday. Any suggestions?

{8} I'm loving this warm weather! Keep it coming!

{9} I think all my bills might get paid this month! Wahoo!

{10} We went on a picnic at the lake for FHE last night.  It was great.  I have to admit, though, I have decided I have watched too many crime shows with my Dad. (I'm not really a big TV watcher, but Dad likes a bunch of shows like Criminal Minds and stuff, so they're usually on at night!) There was an episode at one point in time where a kidnapper brought a bunch of balloons to the park to earn the trust of the kids.  Yesterday, two ladies showed up with probably about 50 balloons and started handing them out and some part of me started freaking out.  If I end up moving to Calgary, how am I ever going to survive!


Lisha said...

So excited that your business is doing well and yay for new jewelry! I'm so sorry about your Mom. I know it doesn't really help in such a situation but I still am sad for you. And I'm with you on the crime shows and real life thing. Me too :)

Maureen said...

Did you get my message? I know a little bit about how you feel on Mother's day, but this one wasn't so bad. I didn't cry during the Primary song, maybe because it came out during all the practicing during singing time. You are the bestest friend ever. I really hope you'll be able to move to Calgary, then you'll be closer to me.

KellyLady said...

Hugs!!! And a be-lated birthday wish to you! My brain wasn't keeping track of the days when we were on vacation...sorry i missed it :( And a big hug for your sadness over your mom. It makes my heart hurt for you. And a big yahoo for the business!!!