Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

Today's Ten on Tuesday is brought to you by my trip to Kalispell this past Black Friday.  I wrote it back then, but didn't get around to posting it.

Things I've learned

{1} When looking at a map to get directions, it is helpful to look at where you're going to end up.

{2} The way to win your spouses heart is not to pee on them.

{3} While an Audi may be a lovely car, it doesn't hold nearly as much as a minivan.

{4} A simple fart can lead to great chaos.

{5} No matter what they say, energy drinks change you.

{6} Sometimes, pancakes can make you cry

{7} Card games can break up marriages and destroy friendships, especially if you're a cheater! ;)

{8} Lotion on your hands will freeze some men in their tracks

{9} Everyone has irrational fears, like pudding or cotton balls

{10} Some people will drink any kind of tea

Good memories!


KellyLady said...

Um, i'm really scared to ask about some of these! It sounds like you had a very memorable trip!