So many things have happened in my world recently and there is no way I could possibly catch up, so I'm not going to try. However, I am going to vent a little bit because I need to.
I live my life saying and doing things to not offend people or to make them happy. I'm so much more concerned with others happiness than my own most of the time. (And I'm not talking about my kids or anything. It's my job to put their happiness in front of mine and I'm glad to do it!) It's exhausting. I frequently talk a big talk, but I'm not very good at following through. Maybe someday I'll be better at it. Maybe...
I'm feeling crazy burnt out lately. Not from my super busy schedule, but from taking care of a million people who should be able to take care of themselves and them having them get cranky at me for doing it. I'm sorry, folks, but there are 3 families who live under my roof and I am in charge of all of them. I have 2 people who are disabled I have to take care of, including keeping straight tons of specialist appointments, 4 children, all under the age of 5 and 4 "normal" adults. My husband works out of town, so usually I do it on my own. The ONLY way things work is to be crazy organized and scheduled, yet I seem to be the only one who realizes that. People need to clean up after themselves and stop being lazy! I understand if its the kids. They're still learning to clean up and they need help. I get that my disabled brother can't do things for himself and that my blind father is limited in what he can do. But the other adults in my house are driving me batty. Seriously, 10 people!! If all 10 people leave out only 10 things is a day (which is not much at all!) that is ONE HUNDRED THINGS I HAVE TO PICK UP!!!! This is not complicated math! Why am I the only one who can figure it out!! Grr...
I'm seriously ready to move. I don't care if its in town or far away, but I just need to get out. I'm tired of not having my own space. I want to have friends over. I want to be able to turn the tv off without someone getting cranky. I want pop to be a treat, not a constant necessity. I'm SO done!! Blah
I'm so not ready for Christmas. In fact, I'm kind of dreading Christmas. We have no clue if James is working or not. And its supposed to be our year with James' family. I don't see the point in me taking the kids to James' parents' house on Christmas Day if James isn't here. We're going to be getting together on a day when James is home, so why do it twice! This philosophy has made me super unpopular with James and his family. Back to my first ranting paragraph, I will almost definitely end up there for part of Christmas Day without my husband. Crappy.
I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love my religion, but I know its not for everyone. I will gladly share it with anyone, but I'm not pushy. You may or may not have heard about the recent "Wear Pants to Church Day" where a group of LDS feminists protested by wearing pants to church. Traditionally, women wear skirts to show their respect. Honestly, I haven't done enough research to feel comfortable commenting on the views of this group. What I have a problem with is where the statement was made. You wouldn't catch me walking into a synagogue and disrupting their worship service to prove a point. Why can't people respect for those around them. Ah!
Final rant. I love so many aspects of the town I live in, but there are some serious flaws. Flaws which I'm not sure people even realize exist. I hate that the arts are so under-represented here. And the few groups there are are only populated by the same people repeatedly. I have taught piano lessons since I was 14. I minored in music at university I was involved in over 50 professional theater productions and several tv episodes and film. And yet after playing the piano in church a few weeks ago, I had multiple people come up to me and say they didn't know I played! For real! I'm sorry I didn't/don't have the right name/look/house/ect but I'm still valuable! I hate it! And I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. The thing is, I honestly don't think it's intentional. I don't think they're bad people, just it gets really easy to go to the same people repeatedly instead of letting new people get a chance.
Anyway, enough grumpiness. Coming soon, a happy post!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
(Grumpy) Thoughts
Posted by Tisha at 1:04 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2012
I love to see the temple...
This week was so crazy busy and a huge emotional roller coaster. Crazy. Pure Crazy! But I don't want to focus on the crappy parts, just the good stuff. By far the best day of my week was Saturday. We drove to Calgary and went through the Calgary Temple open house. It was so beautiful and the spirit there was so wonderful. I loved it! And the kids were amazingly well behaved. After the temple, we went to a baptism of our close friends son and it was the perfect end to a great day!
Posted by Tisha at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Whatever Wednesday - Date Night
I got to take my boys on a date last night! It was super fun. We had hot dogs at Costco then saw Hotel Transylvania. The boys were great. I love that I'm able to spend time with my kids!
Posted by Tisha at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2012
I felt impressed to make some changes in my life during the sessions on Sunday. Nothings, major, just some "fine tuning" kind of things that I need to focus on, which was great, because I tend to feel quite overwhelmed with all the things I need to get better at doing! If you want to watch/listen to any of is, go here.
Posted by Tisha at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 1, 2012
Ok, I lied...
So it took longer than the weekend, but here I am. Finally. Hopefully for good this time, but no promises. Today I'm going to try and catch up (somewhat) on what has happened since I last blogged.
-was kind of a blur
-didn't seem terribly "summery"
-we didn't go on vacation or anything exciting
-took about a million day trips to Calgary for Dad's eye appoinments
-we had lots of bonfires with the requesite hot dogs and marshmallows for roasting
-was HOT and I loved it!
-went swimming once
-went "camping" in the campground a block away from our house. The kids loved it and since we couldn't go too far from Dad, it was the best we could do.
-didn't do most of the things we usually do because of all the trips to Calgary
-grew... a lot
-now wears a size 6 clothes and size 11/12 shoe
-loves to run
-started kindergarten and loves it. He gets sad the days he doesn't have school
-comes home every day and asks to do "homework"
-says some of the funniest things. Yesterday, in the van, he said that he needed to watch tv and play games on my phone because using electronics was one of his talents.
-is actually a size 2 now, not just a kid drowning in his clothes
-is talking a lot more, some of which you can actually understand
-wants to go everywhere TJ goes
-loves parent preschool
-loves nursery
-still naps every day (thank heavens!)
-is super protective of Kezia
-finally graduated to 6-12 month clothes (mostly)
-weighs a whopping 16.5 pounds
-had her first birthday in July
-took her first steps a month or so ago and just barely decided that walking is ok most of the time
-naps every day
-loves playing with her brothers
-has the chicken pox at the moment. Most of them are in her mouth, so she is beyond cranky.
-is not getting the shifts we need him to get in Calgary, so he took a security job in Lethbridge. It sucks. I'm cranky about it and so is he. End of story.
-is working really hard at being patient with TJ and doing a good job most days
-is such a great Dad!
-is still the love of my life
-got released as a Relief Society teacher, which I'm super sad about because I loved that calling and didn't get to do it nearly long enough
-got called as the ward music chairman, which is super exciting
-got an iPad at the end of August because the business hit all the insane goals we set!
-went blondish for a bit
-took the shoes to Whoop Up Days. It was a long but awesome week.
-Went to see Mama Mia. Amazing!
-is officailly legally blind
-had 2 more surgeries
-has been told this is about as good as his eyes are gonna get. He did not take it well.
There you go. The past few months in a nutshell. Now, here's hoping I can keep up!
Posted by Tisha at 9:28 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Ok, I REALLY wanted to be better at blogging but it seems like life is preventing me from doing anything but running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Add to that my computer is stupid, posting from my phone takes forever, and my camera is a mess and I'm a little kerfluffled! I'm going to get back, I promise. I just have to get a few more things under control this weekend and then that's that! Come back Monday, I'll be here.
Posted by Tisha at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Ten on Tuesday
Ten things I want to remember about...
{1} He is so concerned for Myles and Kezia. If either get sick or hurt, he cries
{2} He has such an active imagination
{3} How much he loves school. I hope it never changes
{4} How he says "basagna"
{5} The way he loves with all his heart
{6} Those moments when he's so excited he learned something and it's like he's going to burst if he can't show me right that second
{7} How much he loves to pray
{8} What a great big brother he is
{9} How fast he is growing. He's kit a little boy any more and I feel like I'm going to blink and he's going to be gone and I have to constantly remind myself this isn't going to last forever
{10} How much he loves primary
{1} His great little smile and giggles
{2} The game we play where he pretends to "eat" me
{3} How much he idolizes TJ and adores Kezia
{4} He is so concerned about his family. He thought someone who came over the other day was going to take Kezia because they headed to the door while holding her and he ran after them screaming "no baby" and crying
{5} How much he lights up when he sees James
{6} He is so stubborn! Especially when it comes to what he wears!
{7} He wears mismatching snow boots daily. I can't get him to stop
{8} The way it feels when he throws his arms around my neck
{9} His love/hate relationship with Adi (Truthfully, right now it drives me bonkers, but some day I'll look back on it and laugh, right. Someone?? Please tell me there's hope!)
{10} How he loves when James calls. He'll stand there with a huge grin and try to push every button on the phone all while yelling "hi daddy!"
{1} How even though she is tiny, she is ferocious!
{2} The look on her face when James calls
{3} Her utter fascination with her brothers
{4} She is trying so hard to stand on her own!
{5} The warm fuzzies that come when we snuggle
{6} Her attitude. She is a complete princess
{7} The hair bow war. Mommy is determined she will wear them and she is determined she will rid the world of them!
{8} What a happy, content baby she is!
{9} How quickly she can destroy a room
{10} That she has more shoes than I do!
Posted by Tisha at 11:54 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Ten on Tuesday
For today's 10, I'm going to do a couple of top ten lists.
Top 10...
Favorite Foods/Drinks
{1} Virgin Pina Coladas... YUM!
{2} Pineapple
{3} Watermelon ... Funny story. My family used to go camping with several other families every August long weekend. One year (I was 16 or 17) we still had about 8 or 9 HUGE watemelons the last night of camp. My best friend, myself and 2 of the boys from another family decided it would be a great idea to have a watermelon eating contest. Between the 4 of us, we ate all of the giant watermelons (seriously, they were HUGE!!) in under 8 minutes. I couldn't even stand to think about eating a watermelon after that. Then when I was pregnant with Myles, it was all I wanted to eat!
{4} Ice cream/frozen yogurt I could skip pretty much any other dessert in the world if given a bowl of yummy ice cream (as long as its not vanilla or something gross!)
{5} Crab
{6} Shrimp
{7} Grilled salmon (sensing a theme? Maybe I sould move closer to the ocean!)
{8} Asparagus
{9} Brussel Sprouts
{10} Did I mention crab and shrimp?
Things you may not know about me
{1} I hate all things creepy crawly... spiders, snakes, lizards... eww
{2} I love public speaking, but talking to someone I'm not really close to one on one causes me to have heart palpitations.
{3} I have started and not completed 2 different degrees, depsite getting full scholarships to 3 universities.
{4} I was named after my grandma
{5} I broke every "rule" I had when naming TJ. In fact, I still am unsure it was the right thing to do some days!
{6} I have taught 210 piano students and 63 voice students in the past 14 years
{7} I do not like cats
{8} I'm a huge Dr. Seuss nerd
{9} I used to do competitive storytelling
{10} I helped with costumes for the Salt Lake Olympics and the displays at the visitors center on Temple Square
And just because this is awesome...
Posted by Tisha at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 21, 2012
Mommy Monday
Nothing like a good bonfire to end the long weekend.
Only problem is it really makes me want to go camping!
Posted by Tisha at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Whatever Wednesday
I'm super stoked. I got an elipitcal for $15!!! I have wanted one for SO long!! Now to clean my room so I can put it in there!
Posted by Tisha at 8:33 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Ten on Tuesday
{1} This month has been awful. Not just too stressed to function horrible, but life altering, never be the same horrible. Wish I could say I'm handling it better, but that would be lying.
{2} I had another birthday this month. It was fairly uneventful, but I did get lots of great new jewelry!
{3} Things are going really great with the business. In fact, they're going way better than we anticipated. We're feeling like we've got to catch up!
{4} I slept horribly last night and wanted to go to be3d far earlier than now. However, my children have other ideas. My kids are usually really good at going to bed. As in 8 is a late night and those usually only happen once every month or so! And once they're in bed, they're in bed for good! Tonight, it is 11pm and they're still going strong.
{5} Mother's Day is one of the most difficult holiday's for me since Mom left. I am SO greatful for the opportunity I have to be a mother. I love that part of the day. But the part where everyone talks about how great their Mom's are and how much they look up to them and adore them makes my heart hurt. I used to have an amazing mother. She was not perfect and we had our disagreements, but she was an awesome example of love and friendship and compassion. She stood for what she believed in no matter what. She loved us unconditionally and we knew it. She taught me so much. All that has changed. She has changed. She has become one of the most selfish people I have ever known. She has said and done so many hurtful things that I don't know how to like her anymore. I love her. I will always love her. But Mother's Day just makes me more painfully aware of how much I miss my Mom. Not the Mom I have now, but my real Mom.
{6} I'm about a milisecond away from giving up on ever getting my house done.
{7} I got a gift card to get some new books for my Kobo for my birthday. Any suggestions?
{8} I'm loving this warm weather! Keep it coming!
{9} I think all my bills might get paid this month! Wahoo!
{10} We went on a picnic at the lake for FHE last night. It was great. I have to admit, though, I have decided I have watched too many crime shows with my Dad. (I'm not really a big TV watcher, but Dad likes a bunch of shows like Criminal Minds and stuff, so they're usually on at night!) There was an episode at one point in time where a kidnapper brought a bunch of balloons to the park to earn the trust of the kids. Yesterday, two ladies showed up with probably about 50 balloons and started handing them out and some part of me started freaking out. If I end up moving to Calgary, how am I ever going to survive!
Posted by Tisha at 10:14 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Ten on Tuesday
{1} I took a brief hiatus from blogging. Not because I wanted to, but because life was so crazy busy that I barely had time to breathe. I missed it.
{2} TJ turned 5 a few weeks ago. Holy cow. We had a weekend of birthday insanity. It was great. I'll post all about it later, but for now, a picture or two to tide you over...
This picture cracks me up |
Sadly, one of the best pictures I got of James all day... |
At the dinner he organized for his class |
{6} I'm feeling like my house is never going to be done. I need at least one more day a week.
{7} I had SO much to do today, but instead, I snuggled my kids and watched a movie with them. It was fabulous. I am so greatful for the opportunity I have to be a mother.
{8} I don't understand some people. Especially parents who have no regard for how their actions affect their children. Even if children are adults, it still causes stress when parents act like idiots.
{9} On Monday, I stayed home ALL DAY for the first day in over a month!! It was glorious! I made homemade soup, buns and brownies for the ladies I visit teach (one was sick and one's mother in law just passed away) got a TON of cleaning done (still oodles to do!), washed, dried and folded 12 loads of laundry (it may or may not be sitting in baskets ready to be put away...) and had Family Home Evening. So good!
We went for sushi after James' convocation. Myles LOVED it! (I know the picture is horrible, but you try and get him to sit still...) |
Posted by Tisha at 11:49 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
No, seriously, if you are a mom, you MUST read this.
Posted by Tisha at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
It's Easter break and our families are getting together this week, plus its TJ's birthday and we have a family party and friend party and James is home for the week finishing school (cramming the last month into a week), trying to get our yard cleaned so it doesn't look quite so white trash and have a couple of shoe shows. In short, not blogging this week!
Posted by Tisha at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Self Reliant Saturday
Posted by Tisha at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Fitness Friday
Posted by Tisha at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 2, 2012
Ten on Tuesday
{1} We took a day trip to Calgary yesterday. Mostly it was to take Jess to pick up her new car, but the upside was we got to see James! The kids were thrilled to see him and so was I. We went for a quick dinner and that was about all the time we had.
{2} Speaking of James, he is really enjoying his training. We got some good news and some not so great news and now we get to decide what to do with it! Wish us luck!
{3} I love this place. I need to go there. Soon.
{4} I wish I could go to this place soon.
{5} Or this place. Sadly, neither one is an option any time soon!
{6} On our road trips (which we take LOTS of) we play games. One of TJ's favorites is the animal game. You ask yes and no questions and try to guess what animal someone is thinking of. Its quite fun. Except I'm no great animal afficianodo, so I usually have to ask James if my answer should be yes or no!
{7} I used to look forward to holidays. They always meant seeing all my aunts, uncles and cousins. Then things happened and now I just dread them. Blah.
{8} I am, however, super excited for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. I know Easter is not about candy. I think its of utmost importance that kids know that Christmas and Easter are not about the presents and the parties, but about the Savior. I also don't think that its wrong to have fun too! I love any reason to throw a party and, even more important, to get together with friends. And it helps remind me that holiday gatherings can be normal and fun.
{9} Myles makes me laugh daily. He is such a card. I just pulled out the next size clothes for him and he found a shirt that has the Batman symbol on it. He insisted on wearing it today. When Papa came into the room Myles started pointing at his chest going "Bama, Bama". Papa said "What a nice new batman shirt" and Myles put his arm in the air a la Superman and started running around shouting "Bama" It was awesome.
{10} I think I ate at least double my allowed calories yesterday. It felt gross. But I had to rush the dog to the vet in the morning (not to go into gory details, but lets just say there was literally a bloody mess to clean up on the floor). I knew we were going to Calgary, so I had to hurry. I grabbed a breakfast sandwich from my Mom at Tim's (it was free). Lunch was again on the go (and equally as gross as breakfast) and that shot my calories for the day. Dinner, however, was delicious and completely worth every calorie!
Posted by Tisha at 10:58 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Mommy Monday
So many things I want to say today, but I don't really know which one to pick or where to start. One of the biggest things that has been on my mind lately is how important it is for us as mothers and parents to teach our children.
Too often, parent's rely on the other adults in their children's lives to teach. They don't take the time to sit down with their children and make sure they know what to believe. I'm not really talking about things like reading, writing, ect. I think those are incredibly important things for children to learn and I don't necessarily think that schools are doing an amazing job of teaching them, but its also not horrible. I'm talking more about the values and beliefs that are missing in today's society. There are things that are happening all around us today that have become "normal." Cursing is nothing, children have such a high sense of entitlement that there is almost no such thing as a work ethic, the family unit is being attacked viciously, faith and religion are being attacked, technology is being introduced to children at much earlier ages, parents are giving children tvs, computers and cell phones before they are able to understand the consequences of abusing that technology, and "old-fashioned" things such as chores, morality, and modesty are laughed at.
Recently, I sat in a class where there was a debate about a government choice to teach about homosexuality and make sex ed mandatory. I didn't say much in the class, not because I didn't have my opinions or because I didn't want to offend anyone, but more because I was digesting and processing the different opinions being offered. Being LDS, I don't believe that homosexuality is right. However, I also don't believe that being a homosexual makes you a bad person. Some of my very closest friends have chosen to live that lifestyle and they are still amazing people. I believe in tolerance. Letting others live what and how they want and respecting them as a person, a human being, a child of God. Unfortunately, too many people feel like in their search for "equality" it is necessary to take away my right to choose. I don't want to go on too much of a rant about this, as this isn't really my point. My point is that I am only one vote. The reality is that, short of voting, signing petitions and contacting my MLA, I cannot do a whole lot to change what happens in the world around me. I can, however, instill in my children those values and beliefs that are so important to me. It may not make me the most popular parent. I'm sure in years to come I will hear several complaints from my childen regarding my rules about no TVs in bedrooms, no cell phones for children, chores, ect. But I hope to develop such a great relationship with my children that when the time comes that they are taught something in school that doesn't agree with what I am teaching them, they will have the manners to listen politely and then come home and discuss with me any questions they may have. It means I may have to take more of "my" time to develop a loving, trusting and open relationship with my children. It means that, even though they're young, I need to start now. It means that for the next several years, my time is not really mine. But that's what being a parent is supposed to be about. That's something, I'm afraid, too many parents have forgotten.
The good news is, even though it's going to be hard, it's worth it!
PS Can anybody tell me how to fix my header? I tried making one and its off centered and looks dumb :(
Posted by Tisha at 11:23 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Weight loss Wednesday No More
Ok, so you may have noticed that I'm not doing a very good job of keeping up on DIY Friday. I'm getting stuff done, but really, how many pictures of painted cupboard doors can you post! ;) Also, I'm trying hard not to focus on just the "weight loss" aspect of it, but more of the fitness. So, Weight Loss Wednesday is going to be moving to Fitness Friday and Wednesday is now going to become Whatever Wednesday, giving me a day to write about whatever I feel like!
Judging from Lisha's comment on yesterday's post, I didn't post about James' job, so I will now! In case you don't know, James has been studying corrections. Mostly, this means a job as a corrections officer at a jail, but could also lead to a parole or probation officer job. He did a couple of practicums and really enjoyed working in the jails, so thats where he decided to start off. At some point, he may become a parole officer, but who knows! Did you know there are both federal and provincial jails and that they have different hiring criteria? Neither did I! He applied at quite a few places, most of which are provincially run. He applied fedrally as well (actually, the Warden at one of the places he did his practicum requested he apply) but it takes an average of a year from when you apply to actually begin working fedrally.
Provincially, you only have to interview at one place and then your interview is scored and the score is passed on to everywhere else. They then deicde who is going to offer you a job (if anyone) and then your name goes on a list at the other places you applied to be contacted if they are hiring later. Long story short, James got offered a job in Calgary.
Here's something else you may not know. Provincially, when you are hired, you are only hired on as casual/part time. Meaning now set hours. We're really torn because he could pick up way more shifts if we lived up there, but we also don't want to get stuck with a Calgary sized rent and bills and a month with little or no shifts. There are a lot of other reasons that I'm not really keen on the idea of moving, but if we have to, at least Calgary is close. In the meantime, we're praying, talking and headed to the temple. Now I just have to make sure I'm ready for whatever answer comes!
Posted by Tisha at 10:57 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
10 on Tuesday
{1} I feel like garbage still. To make matters worse, I did something to my back today and now I can barely move. I almost cried several times while teaching today.
{2} Due to #1, my plans for the evening involve a hot shower, back rub and bed.
{3} Honestly though, how bad can a day be when you get to enjoy this...
{4} And of course, brother wanted his turn...
{5} I saw this quote and I laughed. A lot.
{6} Honestly, though, I'm REALLY needing to get back into the swing of things with weight loss. My friend's mom is having to have her foot amputated because of complications with her diabetes, and with all the health complications in my family, it's just stupid not to be healthier. Having the energy to move or any desire to eat would help, though.
{7} I love teaching piano & voice lessons. I love it like crazy. But I'm really struggling with whether or not to teach again next year. Before we moved in here, the smallest number of students I ever had was 21. Now I'm down to 8. I understand a lot of people didn't want their kids coming to our house (it has improved, but its still not anywhere near what I want it to be) but I can't change the fact that this is where we were needed. I hate that people judged me and my teaching ability because of it, but I can't change that either. The thing is, I don't know if we're going to be living here in the fall or in our own house. Either way, I now have a stigma I have to overcome and I don't know if I want to try. I tried offering that I would come teach at other people's houses this year, but I really hate doing it. Ah well, I guess I've got a few month's to figure it out!
{8} James starts his new job next week!!!! I'm so excited and nervous! I have no idea what it will mean for our life, but I'm hoping its all good!
{9} I love that feeling you get when something new you try turns out right. Hasn't happened lately, but I still love it!
{10} I love this...
So excited to hear more from President Monson this weekend!
Posted by Tisha at 8:30 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 26, 2012
Mommy Monday - The Sickies
Our house is full of sickies today and has been all weekend! Myles and Daddy both got sick last week on Wednesday. Baby girl joined in on Friday, Papa on Saturday and TJ & Mommy yesterday. Daddy
is feeling mostly better, but thats about it. Needless to say, not too much is happening around here excpet for a lot of snuggles, movie watching and chicken noodle soup eating. Blech.
Posted by Tisha at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Self reliant Saturday
This is a great article, read it!
(ps, anyone know how to link from an iPhone? Is it even possible?)
Posted by Tisha at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Thankful Thursday
My computer with my quotes on it is having a mental breakdown, so today you just get boring old me!
Posted by Tisha at 9:02 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Weight loss Wednesday
I don't even want to talk about weight loss today. I've lost 15lbs in the last 6 weeks but I'm 100% sure it is ALL in my bra!!!!! In fact, two weeks ago, one of my closet friends asked me if things were ok because it was evident I was gaining weight. I'm not, but my stomach looks WAY bigger because my chest looks WAY smaller!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
Posted by Tisha at 3:11 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
10 on Tuesday
{1} all three of my children napped today for a minimum of 3 hours. Pure Bliss
{2} I'm getting my nails done tomorrow for the first time in over 7 weeks. Beyond excited.
{3} waged war on my house today. Got lots done, but now I'm exhausted!
{4} I had to teach in Relief Society this past week and it was by far the hardest lesson I've had to teach yet. I still love teaching though!
{5} I'm ready for spring and warm weather so I can get back to finish some projects!
{6} I love Diet Dr Pepper. I'm not ashamed to say it. (even though I know there are some among my readers who equate it to drinking dish water!)
{7} did I mention that TJ had a nap today, making it 2 days in a row he has napped? That hasn't happened since he was less than 18 months old!
{8} I'm starting to really enjoy my ward (only took 4 years!) and actually feel like I kind of belong. It's a nice feeling.
{9} the muppets came out today!!!! I'm a little excited! TJ calls it "the muppets fantasicular". It's pretty cute.
{10} took the hubby on a date tonight! Had some delish sushi, watched a great movie and then ruined by talking about if/when to move.
Posted by Tisha at 7:56 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 19, 2012
Mommy Mondays - Hug your babies
On Thursday, I mentioned friends of ours who's son was not doing well. Yesterday, he returned to live with our Heavenly Father. Today, I took a few extra minutes to hug my babies a little tighter and thank my Heavenly Father for the blessing they are in my life. Be a little more patient with them, love them a little more and try not to take the time you are blessed with for granted.
Posted by Tisha at 9:46 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 15, 2012
This quote is hitting extremely close to home today. So many people in my life have been affected by sudden, unexpected loss lately. Most recently, close friends of ours had their boy who is slightly younger than Myles have to be rushed to the hospital with what is suspected to be meningitis. He died on the way to the hospital and is currently on life support with very little hope. My heart is breaking for them.
There are many things in my life that I am not happy with. I would love my house to be done, I would love for James to have a job and to be able to comfortably pay my bills, ect. But overall we are so blessed. I have 3 wonderful, healthy children, a husband who loves me and I love him, a roof over our heads and food on our table. Just to name a few. For that, I am eternally grateful.
Posted by Tisha at 9:59 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Weight Loss Wednesday
I heard this today and it was fabulous. You need to read it. Really. What are you waiting for, go read it!!
Posted by Tisha at 7:57 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Ten on Tuesday
Today's Ten on Tuesday is brought to you by my trip to Kalispell this past Black Friday. I wrote it back then, but didn't get around to posting it.
Things I've learned
{1} When looking at a map to get directions, it is helpful to look at where you're going to end up.
{2} The way to win your spouses heart is not to pee on them.
{3} While an Audi may be a lovely car, it doesn't hold nearly as much as a minivan.
{4} A simple fart can lead to great chaos.
{5} No matter what they say, energy drinks change you.
{6} Sometimes, pancakes can make you cry
{7} Card games can break up marriages and destroy friendships, especially if you're a cheater! ;)
{8} Lotion on your hands will freeze some men in their tracks
{9} Everyone has irrational fears, like pudding or cotton balls
{10} Some people will drink any kind of tea
Good memories!
Posted by Tisha at 8:23 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Self Reliant Saturday
![]() |
I wish, right! image from here |
Gail's is one of my favorites. She's pretty much an idol of mine.
Posted by Tisha at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 9, 2012
DIY Friday
I REALLY want to make these in the next couple of weeks. Heres hoping!
Posted by Tisha at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Thankful Thursday
*I'm cranky about weight loss right now, so I skipped yesterday. You know that whole "if you don't have anything nice to say" business!*
Posted by Tisha at 5:17 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Ten on Tuesday
{1} I see this at some point each day and I love it
{2} I am feeling like I'm doing nothing but playing catch up for being do sick last week
{3} I NEED to craft soon!!
{4} Rhonda gave an AMAZING lesson on Sunday about sisterhood. I have never really felt like I belonged or was very welcomed in my ward. The sisters who are close to my age are all great, but for whatever reason, I don't get involved in things with them. The older sisters almost all know me from growing up and it's awkward. {to those in my ward, this is not a cry for help or meant to in any way be a slight against you. Truthfully, most of it is probably me! I tend to come across quite stand offish apparently!}
{5} I have 7 purses of our initial 20 left! Woo hoo!
{6} James has an interview in Calgary tomorrow. Pray hard.
{7} Did I mention I really am feeling the need to craft?
{8} My sister Jessica spent the last two days visiting us. I super love her. I especially love how much my kids love her!
{9} I am feeling really blessed. Even though we barely don't have enough to pay things we need to, our house is full of food, there are clothes in my kid's closets {although if TJ keeps growing, that may not be the case for long! ;) } we have a reliable vehicle and things are on track with the business and James' job. See, blessed.
{10} I kind of really love this guy ... even if he rarely does his hair {sigh}
Posted by Tisha at 10:48 PM 0 comments